Tuesday, July 10, 2007

my little angel smile a lot today
cause there's a beutiful Goddest who transforms into a human called "a great friend"
who stands beside her all day long today
take into an amazing journey
to some places that this angel never visited before

this angel's smile
pure soul
make me believe
that life is so beautiful
and so precious

I close my eyes
put my hands into my soul
thankfull and feeling blessed
that this beautiful Goddest
had step into my life,
little angel's life
our life
and teach us about beauty

loving u, my friend (Josh)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peri kecil
Peri kecil,
Apa kau ada untukku?
Dapatkah aku
melihat senyummu
hanya untukku?

Peri kecil
Peri kecil
Tahukah kau
Siapa aku?
Mendekapmu, menimangmu
Aku mau

Tak dapat
Tak dapat
Menjauhlah dariku

Duri badanku
Pasti merobek
Sayap indahmu

Peri kecil
Peri kecil
Terbang terbang
Dengam sayap indahmu