Monday, November 19, 2007

longing for you

I was wrote about a soulmate in the first month I made this blog.Up to now, I still don't know wether my soulmate really exist or not, cause my soulmate just haven't come up infront of my nose. So one day, my friends tried to be my match maker by putting me into a blind date with this mature man. unfortunately, it was canceled because his mother was passed away (poor him).

A strange sudden feeling embark into my soul, I just can't let him go from my mind. There's the time I do really want to pray to God just wishing all the best for him. Actually his "shadow" always on my mind and seems provoke me to start to pray to God again (It's been a long time since I stop or better to say "really rarely" pray to God 5 times a day--I'm a Moslem). The "patetic" moment was when I feel comfortable praying just to feel that through my prayer, I can "speak" also to this mature man.

Since that moment, I start to falling in love with this man, a man that I never speak to, a man that I never met. Is this feeling just a fake feeling? I don't know....
Just try to enjoy my feeling, I love this man, a man that I haven't met. I love him just because he able to "haunted" my soul and my mind and "lead" me to be a better person.

I put my hands into my heart,
praying that someday I can meet him,
and hoping that this feeling is a true one,
hoping that finnaly I found soulmate......


reality said...

Ni hao. Very cool thoughts, emotions, and flow. Thanx for sharing, friend; very cool site. Thought and feeling : Envisioning the Beauty way, on the red road, as well, I'm listening to Orleans : Reach, Waking and Dreaming, and their wondrous anti-nuke song; bellisimo! Et tu? Flying with the light and life. Pour vous : An ancient/future Zen monk relayed that he dreamed he was a butterfly, and when he awakened he wondered if he was a butterfly dreaming he was a human being. Yes, and yet, as Dune relates, "the sleeper must awaken"; though, also, must the dreamer : When, "on the road to find out", as Cat Stevens sings, our visions do arise to, the "beacon in the sky meant to catch our eye", as Happy Rhodes evokes! So, too, we keep in mind that, you've paid for the extinction the corporate structure is dictating take place by collaborating in their plans, with your tax dollars at minimum, and by thinking you're abdicating your responsibility when you continually abdicate your power to politicians, although you can't. It's not too late to take back the day, by turning 360 degrees around, back to the evolution, dispelling the convolutions devolutionary direction; and getting back to the future, we'll only have if you do! Some of the groups I moderate : Disabled Greens News and discussion, Group :

Abuse in Therapy, Group :

Diffabled, Mental Health, all related issues, advocacy, and professionals:

reality's 360 page and blog :

reality's geocities website :

reality's My Space page, blog :

Poets For Human Rights :

Rights for Imprisoned People with Psychiatric Disabilities: United to Demand Justice and Social Change:

Prison Abuse Social Network! Welcome to all Abolitionists:

reality's Windows Live Space :

"Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen." ~ Leonardo da Vinci. Enjoy an autumnal eve' as you can. Lest "we" forget, if you don't exercise responsibility, its Siamese twin sister, freedom, will wither, like a muscle, as well. Sadly, now, it first needs to be exorcized before its exercised. Viva la evolution!

Matutinally Yours,

james m nordlund reality (aja) :)

Music is life's song accompanying the abundance of joy's Spring. For those interested : "of or pertaining to the morning, day: relating to or happening in the morning or in the early part of the day (formal), (Mid-16th century, from late Latin matutinalis, from Matuta, goddess of the dawn.)". I look forward.... Copy, share, as you will. Ciao.

Anonymous said...


Alone is boredom
Alone is boring
ALone is unlikely sad

At times it is alone good?
Or more likely needed?
At times you really need to be alone?
Or actually you really need someone?

We'll never understand
Why being people need to be alone
They themselves don't understand it

The answer is simple
We don't need to be alone
We just need someone
Someone who understand us
